Available Resources
The Community Preventive Services Task Force in collaboration with the CDC provides evidence-based findings, public health interventions, policies and recommendations to prevent excessive alcohol consumption and related harms. The information is provided at this link: Community Guide.
In efforts to inform the planning and implementation of prevention strategies, this study reports on national and state cost estimates of excessive alcohol consumption and is available at this link -- 2010 National and State Costs of Excessive Alcohol Consumption.
The 2015 America's Health Rankings Annual Report: A Call to Action for Individuals and Their Communities provides a state-by-state analysis of factors affecting the health of individuals and communities across America. The Nebraska section is available at this link -- 2015 Nebraska Health Rankings.
The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE), with funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), produced a two-page document which provides a quick overview about youth alcohol consumption and associated problems in Nebraska. It's available by clicking on this link -- Underage Drinking in Nebraska: The Facts.
The 2012 Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction in Underage Drinking is a great resource. The Nebraska section is available at this link -- Nebraska State Profile and Underage Drinking Facts.
UNMC Center for Health Policy and Project Extra Mile partnered in this brief to highlight the rates of underage drinking in Nebraska and suggest state-level policies and evidence-based strategies to prevent underage drinking. This information is available at this link -- Underage Drinking in Nebraska.
Project Extra Mile has also authored six fact sheets that provide insight into Nebraska alcohol issues:
- The Facts About Binge Drinking
- Why Increasing Alcohol Taxes Makes Sense
- Dram Shop Liability and Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms
- Utilizing Compliance Checks to Enforce Youth Alcohol Laws
- Alcopops Update
- Powdered Alcohol
Coalition Resources
- March 2016 Research & News Summary
- February 2016 Research & News Summary
- January 2016 Research & News Summary
Current Awareness Campaigns
To help communities move research to practice, Project Extra Mile has developed ACTION Guides, which are available at no cost to community members and organizations who want to reduce and prevent alcohol-related harm in their communities. ACTION Guides include one PowerPoint presentation, a one-page summary document and a list of supplemental reference materials. Current available guides include Underage Alcohol Use in Nebraska, Excessive Alcohol Consumption in Nebraska and Civics 101. For more information, or to request a copy for yourself or organization, click here.